Tuesday 21 April 2009

Question7.Which do you prefer rainy day or windy day?

Yesterday and the day before yesterday, it was so gloomy...rainy and windy...But..
Today, it's so nice~warm,,,but still little chilly and cold~
I can easily be influenced by the weather~

When it rains a lot, i feel so sad.....so i don't move at all.
I keep staying at my room.
But, when it is shiny and lovely and warm , i feel so good , and then i wanna fly the sky!!!

Here's my question!!
If you can choose the rainy day or windy day, which one do you choose?
I will choose the windy day~

How about you?^^

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Question~What flower do you like the most?

hi, i forget howmany questions i had...
and today's question is what number..haha~
questions is what flower do you like the most?
I like roses the most..
Because of the red color!!!
It's so vivid i can't forget~
When i was young, i had a dream that i got 100 roses from prince charming...but..
I haven't came true..sadly..
Some day, hopely....it will come true~~

Thursday 9 April 2009

Question5!! What willl you do on Sunday?

Question5!! What willl you do on Sunday?
my question is always very easy^^.
i don't like something complicated, because it's too enough staying in KNUE!!
so...I always make the easiest question~~
This week i have been swaying~~my mind and my head and everything~~

When i start to do my homework, i nearly fall asleep. But.....when I do something not so complicated, I don't fall asleep!!!
What a strange girl^^

Have a nice weekend~~

Thursday 2 April 2009

Question4!! How are you today?

Already it has been studying here for 4 weeks!
Question 4....!! How are you today?
my questions is simple!!!
Today is Thursday~ many of you are easy to be tired, right?
But tomorrow is the last day for this week!!! So....happy^^